Labels:book | crt screen | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: hardware requirements accompany them wealth of information is available to you here uo AOL pue monthly in this magazine. Listen to the criticisms and the praise of the Iatest software and hardware systems And, keep track of the trends The better informed you are on how the industry is changing the better prepared you will be to benefit from those changes. Putting Don: ated Mac Plus' and SE'S to cood Usein Schools, Libraries, and Community Computing Centers [This document is in the public domain and may be freely reproduced in any form.] Version 1.C by Phil Shapiro (and others) [Editor's note The following article 15a work in progress The author informs me that anyone interested in contr ibuting to the final version of this article invited to contact him via e-mail at pshapiro@aol. .com or ...